Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog Post #3: Waiting for Superman?

     What do I think about the teacher's strike in Chicago?  This is a tough one.  It's difficult because I don't know enough about it, beyond what I read in news articles.  My understanding is the strike is over evaluations, job security and other issues.  I wonder what the other issues are.  It's said there are 3 sides to every story; party 1's side, party 2's side and then the truth. 

     The strike began on September 10, 2012 and ended on September 22, 2012.  400,000 students were affected by teachers being out of the class rooms.  In my opinion, I think the unions you allow the teachers to have class while the contracts are being renegotiated, or start the negotiations earlier so that children don't suffer over adult issues. 

     I don't think it's fair to say that the teacher's unions are the sole reason for the failing education system, however I do think they play a part in it.  Waiting for Superman talked about how there is no results based incentives for teachers who drive positive results in students.  The "lemon" teachers are shuffled from one school to the next in hopes that the lemon received is not as bad or will magically improve under a different Principle is ridiculous.  This is unheard of in the corporate world.  You perform or you are out. 

     I believe the teachers are bound by the rules and regulations of the unions and this ties their hands as individuals.   I'd like to think people who become teachers do so for their love of children and their ability to help them learn and grow into productive adults.  It's obvious that some teachers become complacent because they know tenor will be automatically granted to them after 2 years, not because they have earned it. 

   The education crisis did not happen overnight and it will not be resolved overnight.  It's my opinion that there needs to be accountability for teachers based on their classroom scores.  If they're not producing good result then replace them with a teacher who is engaged in the process and wants to be there and make a difference. 

Watch this clip from Waiting for Superman


  1. Patty,
    I am glad you are thinking about the Chicago strike. Even if you don't think you know much about it, you now know more than most people!
    This film is convincing. It is hard not to at least question why the union is doing what it is doing. The film explains that there is no longer a need for the union but it doesn't support that with any evidence. Do you think that teacher unions are necessary?

    You make good points about teachers and merit pay here. I have to say from experience that I can't make more money teaching than I do now, and that it is unlikely that I would get fired. Adjuncts are largely ignored. However, I try to become better at my job all the time. Unrelated to pay, I think that a lot of teachers simply want to reach their students and get better at it every year. Do they need merit pay like someone in a corporate job?
    These are some things to think about for the future and possible a paper!

    1. Thank you Eileen, for commenting on my post. You make a good point about how the film explains that there is no longer a need for the union but doesn't support it with any evidence. Like you, I tend to like to have information supported or at least shared to back up what is being said so I can make a more informed opinion. Based on the information I've come to learn about, I don't think that teacher unions are "necessary". They protect underperforming teachers and do not give any incentive to teacher, like you, who teach because they want their students to learn. I believe that everybody deserves a merit increas if they earn it.

  2. After reading everyone's posts it seems we're mostly in agreement. In that there is no one culprit for our failing education systems. The movie really played out how bad teacher's unions are, especially tenure. Although I think teacher's unions have their place I do not agree with tenure the way it is. I do agree that teachers become teachers for the want to educate children. However, I think as the years go on and they have to deal with system as well their enthusiasm decreases.

  3. Hi Lynn & thank you for commenting on my blog post.
    Hope your day is great!
